vim and tmux

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open two or more files with vim

vim -O

-O split the window left/right
-o split the window up/down

:windo difft

// check the difference between the two files, just like git diff

edit the last modified file

vim $(ls -t | head -1)

or you can set an alias,update your ~/.bashrc
`alias vim1='vim $(ls -t | head -1)'`

Jumplist & Changelist

change jump through buffers

Ctrl+o/Ctrl+i cycel through: jumps
g;/g, cycel through:changes

gf goto the file when the cursor is on the filepath

window routing

:vert sf file :sf {FIILE} // spilt window and :find {FILE} ctrl+x routing the window

A introduce to jenkins ci/cd

a brefie introduction to jenkins ci/cd Continue reading

How to execute an erlang script without exit Vim

Published on December 22, 2019

Python3 use socket connect to redis

Published on December 19, 2019