Some note about vimrc

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vim -u NONE -N    -N 就是和vi不兼容
-u <vimrc>		Use <vimrc> instead of any .vimrc
-N			Not fully Vi compatible: 'nocompatible' ### 注释 

"  这就是注释,双引号之后的就是注释内容
:map <space> viw " 按下空格键高亮选中一个单词	



:set number!   或:set nu!


:set fileencoding? 返回fileencoding=utf-8
:set number? 返回 number 或 nonumber


  • normal模式下的简单映射

      :map - dd   按下 - 就相当于dd,会删除一行
      :map <space> viw  按下空格,vim将高亮选中一个单词
      :unmap - 取消-的映射
      :unmap <space>
  • nmap 在normal模式下的映射

      :nmap - ddp
      :nunmap -
  • vmap 在visual模式下的映射

      :vmap \ U 
      :vunmap \
  • imap 在insert模式下的映射

      在insert模式下,ctrl+d 会删除一行
      :imap <c-d> <esc>ddi   
      :iunmap <c-d>
  • 映射可能会出现递归调用

      :nmap - dd
      :namp \ -
      在normal模式下,按下\,vim会解释为-,而 -会继续被解析为 dd,最后就是删除了一行
  • 非递归映射*noremap

      :nmap x dd
      :nnoremap \ x
      当按下\ 就是x,删除一个字符,vim不会把x再解析为dd
      ** 应该在所有的情况下使用 noremap **
      " insert mode下jj --> <esc>
      inoremap jj <esc>
      noremap/nnoremap , vnoremap, inoremap
      :unnmap  \
      :map x <nop> 就会让按键x失效
      :nnoremap <buffer> Q x 只在当前缓冲区生效



:let mapleader = "-"  把leader键设置为-

local leader 这个leader只用于那些对某类文件(python,html)而设置的映射

:let maplocalleader = "\\"  把loacalleader设置为\,以为\\会转意为\
如果要设定一个只会用户特定缓冲区的映射,一般会使用 <localleader>,而不是<leader>

nnoremap <leader>ev :vsplit $MYVIMRC<cr>
nnoremap <leader>sv :source $MYVIMRC<cr>


在一个abbrevivation后输入一个 non-keyword character后,vim会替换那个abbrevivation not-keyword character指的是那些不在iskeyword选项中的字符(iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255)

  • insert模式下的abbrevivations

      :iabbrev adn and
      :iabbrev ture true
  • replace模式下的abbrevivations

  • command模式下的abbrevivations


:autocmd BufNewFile * :write  "该命令会在打开一个文件后,自动自动保存
         ^          ^ ^
         |          | |
         |          | 要执行的命令
         |          | 
         |          用于事件过滤的"模式pattern" 

:autocmd BufNewFile *.php :write  只会保存php文件
:autocmd BufWritePre *.html :normal gg=G  在保存html文档之前,先格式化
:autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.html setlocal nowarp
  • FileType 事件

    针对不同的文件,设置一些有用的映射,比如注释 可以设置localleader为,, :let maplocalleader=”,,” :autocmd FileType erlang nnoremap c I%% 然后打开一个erlang文件,normal模式下,按下,,c 就可以注释一行

  • 本地缓冲区缩写

    :iabbrev --- test 对当前缓冲区生效,会覆盖如下的全局设置 :iabbrev --- tes2 会话的所有缓冲区都生效,但是优先级没有定义的缩写高

    :autocmd FileType php :iabbrev iff if () {}kkA :sleep 10m 睡眠10ms

自动命令组Grouping Autocommands

:aug[roup] {name}  group name 大小写敏感
:augroup end/END

:augroup testgroup
:autocmd BufWrite * : echom "foo"
:autocmd BufWrite * : echom "bar"
:augroup END

:augroup testgroup
:autocmd BufWrite * : echom "test"
:augroup END

更多详情: :help autocmd-groups


:help omap-info 	

Operator-pending mappings can be used to define a movement command that can be
used with any operator.  Simple example: ":omap { w" makes "y{" work like "yw"
and "d{" like "dw".

:onoremap { :<c-u>normal! 0f{vi{<cr>   "在包含{}的一行,执行d{、c{、y{  就可以删除/改变/复制{}之间的内容
:onoremap ( :<c-u>normal! 0f(vi(<cr>  "在包含()的一行,执行d(、c(、y(  就可以删除/改变/复制()之间的内容 

The CTRL-U (<C-U>) is used to remove the range that Vim may insert. 

:onoremap ih :<c-u>execute "normal! ?^==\\+$\r:nohlsearch\rkvg_"<cr>

normal! 可以执行一些命令,但是遇到特殊字符就不行了,比如<cr>
execute 把后面的字符串当作命令来执行。特殊字符需要转义,如\r代表回车 \\代表\

g_: 移动到当前行的最后一个非空字符。$会选中最后一个换行符


statusline可以展示一些当前buffer内文件的信息,比如文件名称%f,完整路径%F, %m如果缓冲区内容修改表示为[+] 默认情况下,statusline是隐藏的。显示: :set laststatus=2,隐藏 :set laststatus=0

定制项目 参数意义
%f 文件名称
%F 文件完整路径,我觉得这个完整路径有助于回答,我在哪里?
%m 如果缓冲区内容发生改变表示为[+],有助于你提醒自己,你在做什么?
%n 缓冲区号,
%y 文件类型,不过我觉得如果输出了文件名,这个有点多余
%v 虚列号
%l 行号
%L 总行数
%= 之后的状态都是右对齐,在这个之前是左对齐
%{expr} 表达式的结果,可以用这个定制很多特性的状态


set statusline=buf%n\ %m
set statusline+=\ %l,%v/%L
set statusline+=\ %{&fileencoding?&fileencoding:&encoding} "文件编码
set statusline+=\ [%{&fileformat}] "文件类型
set statusline+=\ %{(exists(\"bomb\")\ &&\ &bomb)?\"Bom\":\"\"} "如果有bomb头,就会显示Bom
set statusline+=%{StatuslineGit()} "显示git分支名称,需要定义如下两个函数
set statusline+=\ %F

function! GitBranch()
  return system("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null | tr -d '\n'")

function! StatuslineGit()
  let l:branchname = GitBranch()
  return strlen(l:branchname) > 0?'  '.l:branchname.' ':''

\<space> 是空格
buf1  223,5/365 utf-8 [unix]   master  ~/Documents/

autocmd 所有的事件

  • :help autocmd-events
Name			triggered by ~

|BufNewFile|		starting to edit a file that doesn't exist
|BufReadPre|		starting to edit a new buffer, before reading the file
|BufRead|		starting to edit a new buffer, after reading the file
|BufReadPost|		starting to edit a new buffer, after reading the file
|BufReadCmd|		before starting to edit a new buffer |Cmd-event|

|FileReadPre|		before reading a file with a ":read" command
|FileReadPost|		after reading a file with a ":read" command
|FileReadCmd|		before reading a file with a ":read" command |Cmd-event|

|FilterReadPre|		before reading a file from a filter command
|FilterReadPost|	after reading a file from a filter command

|StdinReadPre|		before reading from stdin into the buffer
|StdinReadPost|		After reading from the stdin into the buffer

|BufWrite|		starting to write the whole buffer to a file
|BufWritePre|		starting to write the whole buffer to a file
|BufWritePost|		after writing the whole buffer to a file
|BufWriteCmd|		before writing the whole buffer to a file |Cmd-event|

|FileWritePre|		starting to write part of a buffer to a file
|FileWritePost|		after writing part of a buffer to a file
|FileWriteCmd|		before writing part of a buffer to a file |Cmd-event|

|FileAppendPre|		starting to append to a file
|FileAppendPost|	after appending to a file
|FileAppendCmd|		before appending to a file |Cmd-event|

|FilterWritePre|	starting to write a file for a filter command or diff
|FilterWritePost|	after writing a file for a filter command or diff

|BufAdd|		just after adding a buffer to the buffer list
|BufCreate|		just after adding a buffer to the buffer list
|BufDelete|		before deleting a buffer from the buffer list
|BufWipeout|		before completely deleting a buffer

|BufFilePre|		before changing the name of the current buffer
|BufFilePost|		after changing the name of the current buffer

|BufEnter|		after entering a buffer
|BufLeave|		before leaving to another buffer
|BufWinEnter|		after a buffer is displayed in a window
|BufWinLeave|		before a buffer is removed from a window

|BufUnload|		before unloading a buffer
|BufHidden|		just after a buffer has become hidden
|BufNew|		just after creating a new buffer

|SwapExists|		detected an existing swap file

|FileType|		when the 'filetype' option has been set
|Syntax|		when the 'syntax' option has been set
|EncodingChanged|	after the 'encoding' option has been changed
|TermChanged|		after the value of 'term' has changed
|OptionSet|		after setting any option

	Startup and exit
|VimEnter|		after doing all the startup stuff
|GUIEnter|		after starting the GUI successfully
|GUIFailed|		after starting the GUI failed
|TermResponse|		after the terminal response to |t_RV| is received

|QuitPre|		when using `:quit`, before deciding whether to quit
|VimLeavePre|		before exiting Vim, before writing the viminfo file
|VimLeave|		before exiting Vim, after writing the viminfo file

|FileChangedShell|	Vim notices that a file changed since editing started
|FileChangedShellPost|	After handling a file changed since editing started
|FileChangedRO|		before making the first change to a read-only file

|ShellCmdPost|		after executing a shell command
|ShellFilterPost|	after filtering with a shell command

|CmdUndefined|		a user command is used but it isn't defined
|FuncUndefined|		a user function is used but it isn't defined
|SpellFileMissing|	a spell file is used but it can't be found
|SourcePre|		before sourcing a Vim script
|SourceCmd|		before sourcing a Vim script |Cmd-event|

|VimResized|		after the Vim window size changed
|FocusGained|		Vim got input focus
|FocusLost|		Vim lost input focus
|CursorHold|		the user doesn't press a key for a while
|CursorHoldI|		the user doesn't press a key for a while in Insert mode
|CursorMoved|		the cursor was moved in Normal mode
|CursorMovedI|		the cursor was moved in Insert mode

|WinNew|		after creating a new window
|TabNew|		after creating a new tab page
|TabClosed|		after closing a tab page
|WinEnter|		after entering another window
|WinLeave|		before leaving a window
|TabEnter|		after entering another tab page
|TabLeave|		before leaving a tab page
|CmdwinEnter|		after entering the command-line window
|CmdwinLeave|		before leaving the command-line window

|InsertEnter|		starting Insert mode
|InsertChange|		when typing <Insert> while in Insert or Replace mode
|InsertLeave|		when leaving Insert mode
|InsertCharPre|		when a character was typed in Insert mode, before
			inserting it

|TextChanged|		after a change was made to the text in Normal mode
|TextChangedI|		after a change was made to the text in Insert mode
|TextYankPost|		after text is yanked or deleted

|ColorScheme|		after loading a color scheme

|RemoteReply|		a reply from a server Vim was received

|QuickFixCmdPre|	before a quickfix command is run
|QuickFixCmdPost|	after a quickfix command is run

|SessionLoadPost|	after loading a session file

|MenuPopup|		just before showing the popup menu
|CompleteDone|		after Insert mode completion is done

|User|			to be used in combination with ":doautocmd"

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